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Bowman Hydro - Quick Facts

Public Law 113-244, enacted in 2014, provided the legal foundation for the development of a small hydropower facility at Bowman Dam.
Ochoco Irrigation District (OID), the City of Prineville and Crook County are proposing to develop a hydroelectric project on the Bureau of Reclamation's Bowman Dam.
OID is proposing to prepare an application for an original license (application) for the Project as a major project 5 MW or less.
On December 22, 2016, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued a Preliminary Permit to OID, for the Bowman Dam Hydroelectric Project FERC Project No. 14791.
The project would provide hydroelectric generation to meet part of the regional power requirements with clean renewable source of electricity.
Only water released for irrigation, flood, or fish and wildlife would be used to generate electricity.
The hydro project will save energy, produce hydropower and help improve fish health by reducing Total Dissolved Gas (TDG). Elevated TDG can be harmful or fatal to fish. TDG-related mortality has been reported downstream of Bowman Dam.
Using grant funds from Energy Trust of Oregon, the Bowman Dam Hydroelectric Power Feasibility Study is being completed.
Fishery studies associated with the proposed Bowman Dam hydroelectric project are under review.
Approximate hydroelectric construction cost - $15,000,000
If fish passage is required it would add approximately $40,000,000 to the project cost, making it an infeasible project.
Partners are seeking a waiver from Oregon State Fish and Wildlife Commission to waive the requirement for fish passage.