
Format: 2024
Resolution ID Title Adopted Date Attachments
Res No 1601 Res No 1601 - Approving Amendment No 1 to Cooperative Agreement with ODOT Tue 7/9/24 Link
Res No 1600 Res No 1600 - Approving Personal Services Agreement with Divergent for Water Treatment Plant Tue 6/25/24 Link
Res No 1598 Res No 1597 - Declaring Prineville's Election to Receive State Revenue Sharing Tue 6/25/24 Link
Res No 1598 Res No 1598 - Establishing Fees and Charges for FY 2024-2025 Tue 6/25/24 Link
Res No 1596 Res No 1596 - Approving Amendment to TRM Energy Solutions Tue 5/28/24 Link
Res No 1595 Res No 1595 - Approving Personal Services Agreement with ECONorthwest Tue 5/28/24 Link
Res No 1594 Res No 1594 - Adopting Title VI Plan for City Tue 5/14/24 Link
Res No 1593 Res No 1593 - Authorizing Special Solicitation Method for Public Improvement Contract Tue 4/23/24 Link
Res No 1592 Res No 1592 - Approving IGA with County for Management of Airport Tue 4/9/24 Link
Res No 1591 Res No 1591 - Approving Amendment to Funding Agreement with OID Tue 4/9/24 Link
Res No 1590 Res No 1590 - Approving the Establishment of a School Support Fee of 15% Tue 3/26/24 Link
Res No 1589 Res No 1589 - Approving Appropriation Adjustments for 2023-2025 Third Qtr of First FY Tue 2/27/24 Link
Res No 1588 Res No 1588 - Authorizing an Amendment to IGA with Crook County for PSAP GIS Support Tue 1/23/24 Link
Res No 1587 Res No 1587 - Approving PSA with Cascade Geoengineering (ASR2) Tue 1/23/24 Link
Res No 1586 Res No 1586 - Declaring Policy Regarding PREP Tue 12/12/23 Link
Res No 1585 Res No 1585 - Adopting Supplemental Budget and Making Appropriations for BN 2023-25 Tue 12/12/23 Link
Res No 1584 Res No 1584 - Appropriation Adjustments to the BN 2023-25 Budget for 2nd Qtr of 1st FY Tue 12/12/23 Link
Res No 1583 Res No 1583 - Creation of Multi-Family Housing Grant Tue 12/12/23 Link
Res No 1582 Res No 1582 - Authorizing IGA with CC School District Tue 11/14/23 Link
Res No 1581 Res No 1581 - Approving Amendment to Agreement with DOWL Tue 11/14/23 Link
Res No 1580 Res No 1580 - Approving an Easement Agreement with Crook County 10.3 Acres Tue 9/26/23 Link
Res No 1579 Res No 1579 - Approving Easement Agreement with Crook County 3.64 Acres Tue 9/26/23 Link
Res No 1578 Res No 1578 - Annexing Certain Real Property Into City Tue 8/22/23 Link
Res No 1577 Res No 1577 - Authorizing Amendment to IGA for CO Regional Collaborative Tue 8/22/23 Link
Res No 1576 Res No 1576 - Approving 1st Amendment to Subgrant Agreement with Crook County Tue 8/22/23 Link
Res No 1575 Res No 1575 - Adopting Rate Schedule Correction for Res No 1569 (Republic) Tue 8/22/23 Link
Res No 1574 Res No 1574 - Approving A Cooperative Agreement with ODOT - US Hwy 26 Project Tue 8/22/23 Link
Res No 1573 Res No 1573 - Authorizing Development Agreement with Apple Tue 8/22/23 Link
Res No 1572 Res No 1572 - Revoking Res No 1571 Tue 7/25/23 Link
Res No 1571 Res No 1571 - Development Agreement with Apple Inc Tue 7/11/23 Link
Res No 1570 Res No 1570 - Amendment to Development Agreement with Vitesse LLC Tue 7/11/23 Link
Res No 1569 Res No 1569 - Approving a Rate Increase for Solid Waste Franchisee Services Tue 7/11/23 Link
Res No 1568 Res No 1568 - Authorizing Contract with Noble 9-1-1 Tue 6/27/23 Link
Res No 1567 Res No 1567 - Approving Amendment 5 to Agreement for Airport Management Tue 6/27/23 Link
res no 1566 Res No 1566 - Authorizing IGA with CC for GIS-PSAP Support Tue 6/27/23 Link
Res No 1565 Res No 1565 - Approving IGA with CCSD - Video Surveillance Tue 6/27/23 Link
Res No 1564 Res No 1564 - Approving Agreement with ODOT for Transportation Funding Grant (CET) Tue 6/27/23 Link
Res No 1563 Res No 1563 - Approving Appropriation Adjustments to the 4th Qtr of Second Fiscal Year Tue 6/27/23 Link
Res No 1562 Res No 1562 - Adopting Supplemental Budget & Making Appropriations 2022-2023 BN Tue 6/27/23 Link
Res No 1561 Res No 1561 - Establishing Fees & Charges for the 2023-2024 FY Tue 6/13/23 Link
Res No 1560 Res No 1560 - Declaring the City of Prineville's Election to Receive State Revenue Sharing Tue 6/13/23 Link
Res No 1559 Res No 1559 - imposing & Categorizing Taxes for the 2024-2025 FY of the BN 2025 Budget Tue 6/13/23 Link
Res No 1558 Res No 1558 - Imposing & Categorizing Taxes for 23-24 Fiscal Year of the BN 2025 Budget Tue 6/13/23 Link
Res No 1557 Res No 1557 - Adopting Budget & Making Appropriations for BN 24-25 Tue 6/13/23 Link
Res No 1556 Res No 1556 - Consenting to Crook County Ordinance 338 Regarding Incidents of Truancy at Crook County Schools Tue 5/23/23 Link
Res No 1555 Res No 1555 - For Crook County Enterprise Zone Boundary Re-Designation Tue 5/23/23 Link
Res No 1554 Res No 1554 - Approving Personal Service Agreement with Dowl Regarding Transportation Design Tue 4/25/23 Link
Res No 1553 Res No 1553 - Approving Personal Service Agreement with Divergent Regarding Water Treatment Plant Tue 4/25/23 Link
Res No 1552 Res No 1552 - Approving IGA with ODOT for Transportation Intersection Updates Tue 4/25/23 Link
Res No 1551 Res No 1551 - Authorizing IGA with ODFW Tue 3/28/23 Link
