Boards and Commissions

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Your City Council


Top:  Mayor Jason Beebe

Middle Row:  Councilor Jerry Brummer, Council President Steve Uffelman, Councilor Shane Howard

Bottom Row:  Councilor Marv Sumner, Councilor Scott Smith, Councilor Janet Hutchison


The Planning Commission is a group of volunteers that advise the City Council on long and short-range, comprehensive planning and land use issues within the city, including:

City of Prineville Budgets

The Budget Committee is comprised of 14 people.  Seven of the positions are filled by your elected officials – the Mayor and Council.  The remainder of the seven positions are filled with dedicated and interested citizens and the terms are for four years.   

The City of Prineville adopts a biennial budget every other year. Annual meetings are a requirement for the Budget Committee by the State of Oregon to accept Oregon State Revenue Sharing funds.


The Air Quality Committee no longer meets regularly in-person.  The City continues to monitor air quality and forecast air quality conditions for outdoor "burn/no-burn" days.  The City provides free yard debris days in the fall through a DEQ grant and provides annual reports to DEQ and the EPA.  The City's annual air quality numbers continue to fall below the EPA recommended limit after briefly exceeding the 3-year average in 2014.