
Format: 2024
Resolution ID Title Adopted Date Attachments
Res No 1351 Res No 1351 - Authorizing IGA with COIC Tue 6/12/18 Link
Res No 1350 Res No 1350 - Authorizing Personal Services Agreement with Steele & Associates Tue 6/12/18 Link
Res No 1349 Res No 1349 - Authorizing GIS IGA with CC Tue 5/22/18 Link
Res No 1347 Res No 1347 - Approving Rails to Trails Agreement with ODOT Tue 5/22/18 Link
Res No 1346 Res No 1346 - Approving Real Estate Purchase and Sale Tue 5/22/18 Link
Res No 1345 Res No 1345 - Approving 2018 ODOT Fund Exchange Tue 5/8/18 Link
Res No 1344 Res No 1344 - Adopting the Nat Haz Mitigation Plan 2018 Update Tue 5/8/18 Link
Res No 1343 Res No 1343 - Authorizing Full Faith & Credit to Refi POB Tue 5/8/18 Link
Res No 1342 Res No 1342 - Kiwanis Land Use Agreement - Splash Pad Tue 4/24/18 Link
Res No 1341 Res No 1341 - Amendment No 1 to IGA with CC for Sign Lease Tue 3/13/18 Link
Res No 1340 Res No 1340 - Authorizing City to Apply for State Parks & Rec Grant Fri 3/2/18 Link
Res No 1339 Res No 1339 - Agreement with ODOT - Elm Street Bridge Tue 2/13/18 Link
Res No 1338 Res No 1338 - Authorizing Full Faith and Credit - Public Safety Vehicles Tue 1/23/18 Link
Res No 1337 Res No 1337- Enterprise Zone Exemption Expansion Contact Ind. Tue 1/9/18 Link
Res No 1336 Res No 1336 - Issuance and Sale of Sewer Revenue Bond No 1 Tue 1/9/18 Link
Res No 1335 Res No 1335 - Competitive Bid Exemption Tue 1/9/18 Link
Res No 1334 Res No 1334 - Adopting Third Street Redevelopment Plan Tue 1/9/18 Link
Res No 1333 - Adopting a Supplemental Budget 2017-2018 Res No 1333 - Adopting a Supplemental Budget FY 2017-2018 Tue 12/19/17 Link
1332 Res No 1332 - Authorizing Full Faith and Credit Borrowing Tue 12/12/17 Link
1331 Res No 1331 - Establishing the SW Crestview Lane Reimbursement District Tue 12/12/17 Link
Res No 1330 - Re-Adopting and Re-Affirming Fair Housing Program Res No 1330 - Re-Adopting and Re-Affirming Fair Housing Program Tue 11/28/17 Link
Res No 1329 - Approving a LTR Enterprise Zone with Vitesse Res No 1329 - Approving a LTR Enterprise Zone with Vitesse LLC Tue 11/28/17 Link
Res No 1328 Res No 1328 - Approving IGA With ODOT - Berm Removal Tue 10/24/17 Link
Res No 1327 Res No 1327 - Expanding the UGB Tue 10/10/17 Link
Res No 1326 Res No 1326 - Transfer of Crestview Cable Franchise Tue 9/12/17 Link
Res No 1325 Res No 1325 - Annexing Certain Property Into the City Thu 8/24/17
Res No 1324 Res No 1324 - Approving a Cinder Sale Agreement w/ Crook County Tue 6/27/17 Link
Res No 1323 Res No 1323 - Establishing Fees and Charges for FY 17-18 Tue 6/27/17 Link
Res No 1322 Res No 1322 - Election to Receive State Revenue Sharing Tue 6/27/17 Link
Res No 1320 Res No 1321 - Imposing & Categorizing Taxes for FY 17-18 Tue 6/27/17 Link
Res No 1319 Res No 1319 - Supplemental Budget FY 16-17 Tue 6/27/17 Link
Res No 1318 Res No 1318 - Budget Appropriations FY 16-17 Tue 6/27/17 Link
1320 Res No 1320 - Adopting Budget & Making Appropriations FY 17-18 Tue 6/27/17 Link
Res No 1317 Res No 1317 - Authorizing IGA with CC Regarding New Jail Facility Tue 6/13/17 Link
1316 Res No 1316 - Authorizing 2017 Fund Exchange with ODOT Tue 5/23/17 Link
1315 Res No 1315 - Authorizing a Sewer & Water Credit Tue 5/9/17 Link
1314 Res No 1314 - Authorizing Contract With Noble 9-1-1 Tue 4/11/17 Link
1313 Res No 1313- Annexing Certain Property Into the City Tue 4/11/17 Link
1312 Res No 1312 - Annexing City Owned Property Into City Tue 4/11/17 Link
1311 Resolution No 1311 - Rotschy Exemption From Competition Tue 2/14/17
1310 Resolution No 1310 Authorizing a Connect Oregon VI Grant Agreement Tue 1/31/17 Link
1309 Resolution No 1309 - Supporting a State Transportation Funding Pkg Tue 1/24/17 Link
1308 Resolution No 1308 - Approving IGA with ODOT and County Regarding Tom McCall Intersection Tue 1/24/17 Link
1307 Resolution No 1307 Annexing Certain Property into the City of Prineville Tue 1/10/17 Link
1306 Authorizing Full Faith and Credit Borrowing Wed 12/21/16 Link
1305 Authorizing the City to Purchase Approx 460 Acres Wed 12/21/16 Link
1304 Authorizing the City of Prineville to Enter into an IGA with CC and OID Tue 10/25/16 Link
1303 Resolution No 1303 Opposing Measure 97 Tue 10/11/16
1302 Resolution No 1302 Authorizing COP to Submit CDBG Grant Application for Senior Center Rehab Tue 9/13/16 Link
1301 Resolution No 1301 Approving Grant Agreement with FAA for Airport Expansion and Beacon Replacement Tue 8/23/16 Link
