
Format: 2024
Resolution ID Title Adopted Date Attachments
Res No 1550 Res No 1550 - Annexing Certain Property Into the City Tue 3/14/23 Link
Res No 1549 Res No 1549 - Authorizing City to Enter IGA with CCSD for SRO Tue 2/28/23 Link
Res No 1548 Res No 1548 - Authorizing Internal Borrowing for New Police Vehicle Purchases Tue 2/28/23 Link
Res No 1547 Res No 1547 - Approving Funding Agreement with OID Regarding Combs Flat Extension Tue 2/28/23 Link
Res No 1546 Res No 1546 - Approving Appropriation Adjustments to the BN 2021-23 Budget for the 3rd Quarter of the 2nd Fiscal Year Tue 1/24/23 Link
Res No 1545 Res No 1545 - Approving IGA for the 2022 Transportation System Plan Update Tue 1/10/23 Link
Res No 1543 Res No 1543 - Exempting from Competition a Contract for Upgrades of Two City Wells Tue 1/10/23 Link
Res No 1544 Res No 1544 - Establishing a Policy for City of Prineville Land Acquisition Tue 12/13/22 Link
Res No 1542 Res No 1542 - Approving Amendment 4 to IGA with County Regarding Airport Management Tue 12/13/22 Link
Res No 1541 Res No 1541 - Approving Revocable License to Use Real Property Tue 11/8/22 Link
Res No 1540 Res No 1540 - Declaring Necessity for ROW Property Acquisition Tue 10/25/22
Res No 1539 Res No 1539 - Approving Fourth Amendment to Crook County Agreement for Temp Easement Tue 10/25/22 Link
Res No 1538 Res No 1538 - Approving the Local Limits Report Tue 10/11/22 Link
Res No 1537 Res No 1537 - Approving Subgrant Agreement with CC for COVID State Fiscal Recovery Grant Agreement Tue 9/13/22 Link
Res No 1536 Res No 1536 - Authorizing Amendment 3 to Airport Management IGA Tue 8/23/22 Link
Res No 1535 Res No 1535 - Authorizing the Referral of the Ordinance Declaring Ban on Psilocybin to the Voters Tue 8/9/22 Link
Res No 1534 Res No 1534 - Approving Subgrant Agreement with CC for COVID Grant Agreement Tue 7/26/22 Link
Res No 1533 Res No 1533 - Approving COVID State Fiscal Recovery Fund Grant Agreement w/ ODOT Tue 7/26/22 Link
Res No 1532 Res No 1532 - Approving a Personal Services Agreement with GSI on Behalf of COCO Tue 7/12/22 Link
Res No 1531 Res No 1531 - Approving Personal Services Agreement with TRM for Permitting (PREP) Tue 6/28/22 Link
Res no 1530 Res No 1530 - Establishing Fees and Charges for FY 2022-2023 Tue 6/28/22 Link
Res No 1529 Res No 1529 - Adopting a Supplemental Budget and Making Appropriations for 2021-2023 BN Tue 6/28/22 Link
Res No 1528 Res No 1528 - Approving Appropriation Adjustments to the BN 2021-2023 Budget Tue 6/28/22 Link
Res No 1527 Res No 1527 - Declaring Election to Receive State Revenue Sharing Tue 6/28/22 Link
Res no 1526 Res No 1526 - Approving Amendment #01 to Cooperative Agreement with ODOT Tue 6/14/22 Link
Res No 1525 Res No 1525 - Approving Personal Services Agreement with the Beck Group Tue 5/24/22 Link
Res No 1524 Res No 1524 - Authorizing City to Enter Into IGA with Oregon Department of Forestry Tue 5/24/22 Link
Res No 1523 Res No 1523 - Authorizing City to Enter into Trails Program Grant Agreement Tue 5/24/22 Link
Res No 1522 Res No 1522 - Authorizing City to Apply for Oregon Spire 2 Grant Tue 5/24/22 Link
Res No 1517 Res No 1517 - Establishing a Policy Governing Charitable Donations Made by City Council Tue 5/24/22 Link
Res No 1521 Resolution No 1521 - Approving Refunding Bonds for St Charles Tue 4/26/22 Link
Res No 1520 Resolution No 1520 - Approving IGA for Strategic Investment Program Administration Tue 4/26/22 Link
Res No 1519 Resolution No 1519 - Approving Strategic Investment Program Agreement Tue 4/26/22 Link
Res No 1518 Res No 1518 - Authorizing Development Agreement with Vitesse LLC Tue 4/12/22 Link
Res No 1516 Res No 1516 - Approving an Easement Agreement with CC Parks & Rec Tue 4/12/22 Link
Res No 1515 Res No 1515 - Approving an Easement Agreement with Crook County Tue 4/12/22 Link
Res No 1514 Res No 1514 - Authorizing Lease of Real Property Tue 2/22/22 Link
Res No 1513 Res No 1513 - Authorizing to Enter Into an Amendment to Solar Lease Agreement with Westlake Solar Tue 2/22/22 Link
Res No 1512 Res No 1512 - Approving a Personal Service Agreement with Anderson Perry - Water System & Wastewater Plan Updates Tue 2/22/22 Link
Res No 1511 Res No 1511 - Exempting from Competition a Contract for Repair of RR Bridge Fri 1/21/22 Link
Res No 1510 Res No 1510 - Amendment to IGA with CC for Chip Seal Tue 12/14/21 Link
Res No 1509 Res No 1509 - Approving Extension & Amendment - Public Transportation Service Agreement Tue 12/14/21 Link
Res No 1508 Res No 1508 - Approving Third Amendment to Agreement for Temporary Easement Tue 10/12/21 Link
Res No 1507 Res No 1507 - Continuation of Standard Enterprise Zone Tax Abatements Tue 9/28/21 Link
Res No 1506 Res No 1506 - Urging Governor to Protect Right to Make Their Own Health & Medical Decisions Tue 9/14/21 Link
Res No 1505 Res No 1505 - Adopting a Title VI Plan Tue 9/14/21 Link
Res No 1504 Res No 1504 - Authorizing IGA with CC for GIS PSAP Support Tue 9/14/21 Link
Res No 1503 Res No 1503 - Authorizing Full Faith and Credit Borrowing and Related Matters Tue 8/10/21 Link
Res No 1502 Res No 1502 - Exemption from Competitive Bidding for Purchase of Goods from Krah USA Tue 8/10/21 Link
Res No 1501 Res No 1501 - Approving a Cooperative Service Agreement with CC Fairgrounds Tue 7/27/21 Link
