Noxious Vegetation

Between May 1 and November 1 of any year, no owner or person in charge of property may allow noxious vegetation to be on the property or in the right-of-way of a public thoroughfare abutting on the property. It shall be the duty of an owner or person in charge of property to cut down and haul away or to destroy grass, shrubbery, brush, bushes, weeds or other noxious vegetation as often as needed to prevent them from becoming unsightly, from becoming a fire hazard or in the case of weeds or other noxious vegetation, from maturing or from going to seed.


1) The term NOXIOUS VEGETATION does not include vegetation that constitutes an agricultural crop, unless that vegetation is a health hazard or a fire or traffic hazard within the meaning of division (2).

(2) The term NOXIOUS VEGETATION does include, at any time between May 1 and November 1 of any year the following.

(a) Weeds more than ten inches high.

(b) Grass more than ten inches high and not within the exception stated in division (1).

(c) Weeds, grass or vegetation that is a health hazard, a fire hazard because it is near other combustibles or a traffic hazard because it impairs the view of a public thoroughfare or otherwise makes use of the thoroughfare hazardous.


For the full copy of this ordinance please click here