Mayor Jason Beebe

Jason Beebe

Jason Beebe was born in Prineville in 1973 and has lived here his entire life and has family roots that date back to 1889 when his adopted grandmother Grace Higgins was born here.  Jason graduated from Crook County High School in 1991 and worked in the local tire industry until just six years ago when he made the switch to the tech industry.  Jason competed in baseball and wrestling during school as well as motocross and jiu-jitsu (mma) after school.  He is married with five children ranging in age from mid 20's and younger twins.  Jason has recently been involved in Little League and is on various committees for the City. 

In 2003 Jason enlisted in the Army National Guard and has just recently received an Honorable Discharge after serving 12 years.  He spent 10 months overseas in Iraq in 2009-10 based at the Victory Base Complex in Baghdad.  When he returned home from Iraq he had a desire to serve his community which brings him to his current position on the council.  Jason is currently pursuing the possibility of a sports complex in Prineville as well as a way to help promote the City's tourism and family friendly atmosphere.  "I love Prineville and this community and just want to give back and leave something for my children to enjoy."

Mayor Beebe can be reached by email at: